Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Inevitable Fate of a Porch Swing...

Our future is set...
Like pin curls in the 40's.

No matter what we do our future is laid before us. We cannot alter the inevitable.

Inevitable: why such a negative connotation? It simply means inescapable. When you slurp an ICEE too fast brain freeze is "inevitable"... but so is a rockin', awesome wild cherry party for your mouth!

Who is to say that our future isn't just dripping with sappy happiness?!

Some people are born with the ability to see the bright side. Others were born to question and bitch and moan... A perfect example is brought to us by a couple of friendly gourds making their way to the Promised Land... (via Veggie Tales)...

"I hear its flowing with milk and honey... sounds sticky..."

Touche gourd.

My life is a porch swing.
Either it will fall or or it will hang on.
When it squeaks and groans I have two options...

1. Oh, porch swing. What character have you! With your cute little noises only adding to your delightful old time charm! Thou has given me no reason to doubt your sturdy ties and therefore, I am happy!

2. Oh shit, there it goes again... I can feel it. This is the time it all comes crashing down!

Either way... the swing will either stay up or fall down. All the conversation in your head is not going to influence it. So lose the voices. Why not give that swing the benefit of the doubt?! It hasn't fallen yet... and its a 20 year old swing...

Yeah, my life is a porch swing.

I've always liked porch swings. ;)


AndyMcDandy said...

aww! lol

Anonymous said...

OK, so everybody's porch swing is a little rickety. With a little care and maintenance and nurturing, that swing will stay up there for years and years.

And the noises that it makes are just part of the ride.

I like my porch swing, too. It hasn't fallen yet, but if it does I'll just pick it up and repair it. The fall may give me a sore hiney, but there are times that I need a good kick in the rear. That's the nice thing about a porch swing; you don't have to fall very far if something gives just keep getting up and repairing the swing as often as you have to!!

That's just part of life!!

BioCrumbs said...

Not only is my life like one, but I too am like a porch swing. I too moan and groan as I age. *sigh* Never have I received "Oh Philip. What character have you!" Instead, "Oh Philip, I find your character displeasing."

Fun blog Mary! Keep it up.