Thursday, September 18, 2008

Photography and Lessons on Life

Hello all... I've decided to make an edit to a previous blog and post some shotty photography. (To see other artwork click on the "Art #-" entries on the "index" to the right)

The edit first... Earlier in my "Poll Post" I wrote that given the choice between the two I'd rather "like the life I'm livin'" than "live the life I like". I've changed my mind. I'm scared senseless but I do have control over where I'm going... so I'm going to make my life my own... and I'll love every minute of it! ;)

So here's some pictures... I don't have a good camera but these are fun anyway...

Thats all I have time for right now... I've done color work to the photos... I like them but they probably aren't for everybody! More later, I promise!


mwalden said...

First, I skimmed through everything (I'll read more in-depth a bit later) and I really like the bottles, and I even kinda like the Milky Way. I love big, thick, simple shapes sometimes. Other times I like something different ;0) can imagine how excited I am for you when you say you're going to make your life your own - Fabulous!! The wonderful thing about living life fully is that, ups or downs, it's yours!

Anonymous said...

who is that sexy girl graduating?

oh..and nice flowers and stuff.

Anonymous said...

Zenonymom says - More photos! You have a talent. let's see the table setting from cocoa beach. I love that one! Or flip flops.